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DxD Press是一家专注于英耽小说中文译本的出版社。我们拥有优秀的翻译编辑团队,丰富的出版界从业经验,致力于为全球华语读者带来多元且优质的酷儿文学体验。您可以在我们的网站以及Smashwords、Kobo等电子书销售平台,购买到由我们翻译出版的小说作品。购买教程请见“购书指南”。

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DxD Press is a boutique publisher of MM romance and queer fiction. We are a team of industry veterans united by one goal — to bring you professionally translated queer fiction. For the moment we focus on translating English MM romantic fiction into Chinese. You can purchase our books on our website or on Smashwords and Kobo.

If you wish to join us or submit your works, please email us at dxdpress @ dxdpress . com.

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